Save the date for #ZeroCon25: March 5-7, 2025


The dates for the next Zero Project Conference have now been released: #ZeroCon24 will take place from Wednesday, March 5 to Friday, March 7, 2025. Innovations and sessions will be centered around the topics of Employment and ICT.

darg green background with bold white letters: #ZeroCon25

The annual Zero Project Conference has become a unique meeting place to innvoate for disability inclusion. Each year, more than 1,000 participants from 100 countries attend the conference at the United Nations in Vienna, Austria (invitation-only), with more than 13,000 views of  the livestreams and session recordings around the world.

#ZeroCon25 will be centered around innovative solutions on the topics of Employment and ICT. Save the date and join us in Vienna or online!

Revisit previous conferences here:

Zero Project Conferences